Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Steak and Eggs for Steelhead: Trip Recap

Last Friday, I set out for Pulaski, NY with my buddy in pursuit of some spring Steelhead. This time of year they are really full of spunk because of the warmer water temperatures and they are hungry. Because of all of this intensity and hunger, they don't just eat flies, they SMACK them making this an ideal time of the year to make a trip.

I intended to leave work early on Friday, but it turned into one of those days where you leave, cross the street, and get called back in kind of days. After a little more work and throwing a few bags together, we were on the road by 5:00 PM which is the least ideal time work in Boston. With a rough ETA of 11:00 PM, thanks to an hour of traffic, we finally made it to the Mid River Motel. With it being so late and sunrise at 6:30 AM, we decided to hit the sack and get up early and gear up. 

4:45 AM Saturday morning rolled around pretty quick, but we managed to be on the water for 6:15 AM after a 30 minute hike in. My buddy was about ready to kill me because I was racing to be the first ones to the spot, but he will tell you it was worth it. We were fishing a hole at the end of a nice fast run with big stones and egg patterns, and they were hungry. We hooked up 10 times before 9:00 AM and landed 3 fish, but we couldn't find the pigs that we were looking for. 

At lunch, we headed out and decided to try a different part of the river, but after our budget lunch of PB&J with some Yuengling we were right back where we started. At the end of the day, we hooked into another 5 fish and landed 2 nice ones in the afternoon sun. At 6:30 we figured it was time for some wings and college basketball so we called it a day.

Sunday morning was a little of a struggle after hiking all over to find fish the previous day, so we were on the water by 6:30 AM and to our surprise the first ones on that stretch of the river. It was a little warmer than the day before and at 6:45 AM, a clown egg did the trick in fooling another. It slowed down a little bit so we changed up and started throwing some big stones, about an inch to an inch and a half long with some big thorax's and we found the pigs. We must have hooked up another 5 or 6 times, but these fish were taking us into the backing and making our reels really SCREAMMMM. We only landed 2, but the fight is what gets your blood pumping. After a great morning and a solid 5 hour drive back, we called it an early day around 9:00 AM and headed home.

All in all it was an amazing weekend, with beautiful weather and lots of hookups. I am looking forward to my next trip. 

I threw a quick video together, keep in mind it is my first one, but you need to start somewhere. Also there are some pics below the video from the rest of the trip.

-The Fly Fiend

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