• Hook: 4X Streamer hook sizes 2-6
• Thread: 6/0 Florescent Orange
• Tail Flash: Crystal Flash
• Tail: Bill’s Bodi Braid Pearl
• Body: Bill’s Bodi Braid Pearl
Step 1: Use a 4X streamer hook and wrap down the shank to about where the hook barb is.
Step 2: Take some Crystal Flash pearl colored and tie it in at the back of the hook. Be generous with the length because you can always trim it shorter.
Step 3: After tying in the Crystal Flash, take Bill's Bodi Braid and take about six 1 inch strips of pearl braid and tie in on the bottom of the hook. Repeat for the top. Spread it out so it covers the hook well. wrap the remaining braid back up the shank and trim leaving space for the eye.
Step 4: You will repeat step 3 (six 1 inch strips on top and bottom of head) and tie off. You want to have a little overlap between the front braid strands and the back strands. The pictures to the right shows the top strands tied in.
Step 5: Throw some head cement or 5 minute epoxy to finish this fly up. Trim the back strands to be about 3/4 of an inch to 1 inch. Then leave a small overlap between the front strands of braid and the back.
This is a good fly to have in a couple colors. You can use purple on top with clear or pearl underneath with olive thread or some olive and yellow braid. Try out a few patterns yourself, you never know what concoction will work.
-The Fly Fiend
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